About Us
Company Profile
This journey of Foreign Education Club was kick started by Management Graduates Mr. Varun Sharma way back in 2007. Having completed his Masters from the United Kingdom, he used his first hand experience to guide and help all the students planning to study overseas. At Foreign Education Club we see to it that none of the students face any difficulties while they are studying in a completely new environment.
- Foreign Education Club is an official representative for number of Universities and colleges abroad.
- Countries like... United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore.
- We provide quality IELTS Coaching since more than 10 years.
- Our trainers are trained by the professionals of the industry and follow the same education system that has been prescribed.
Various milestones have been surpassed in the past decade but it has failed to exhaust us. Our aim is to help students who wish to study extensively in their chosen fields in offshore lands. Here at Foreign Education Club, overseas education has been handled in the most professional manner that one could imagine. The efforts we put in have always been rewarded in the form of blessings from the migrant and their family members.
Our Mission is to enable the young and energetic students to achieve their dreams and to achieve their true potential through higher education which would broaden their academic, life and work perspectives.
Our goal is to understand the basic requirements of the students & to help them to choose the right course and the right institute. We desire to be a perfect connecting intermediary between the Universities / Colleges and the aspiring students from India who would like to study in a foreign land. Our knowledge, professional behavior, commitment, infrastructure & a highly experienced team at FEC all work together to achieve the objective of student satisfaction, which is our ultimate goal.
From Director's Desk
It’s matter of pride and privilege to expedite on the services offered by Foreign Education Club.

It’s matter of pride and privilege to expedite on the services offered by Foreign Education Club.
We the team members are committed to deliver knowledge and information to all who dream to achieve a decided goal either by searching for career opportunities or by improvising their academics overseas. We indulge ourselves in preparing students / professionals by imparting them training on soft-skills so that they can empower their skill-set and encounter their weakness while interacting with people.
Our Awesome Team

Garima Sharma

Awards & Accolades
Make your dream come true to settle permanently in Your Dream Country